Tribute to Len Barron 1957-2020

Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.

– T.S. Eliot

On 6th December 2020 my brilliant friend, Len Barron, was found dead in his room. He had been a huge part of inspiring my deep love of poetry and words in general. I was lucky enough to have been bequeathed some of his many, many writings and feel passionate about sharing them. He was convinced his work was very mediocre but I am certain he was a low-key genius.

This is 100% his work. I’m sorting through it all at the moment, so formatting may change slightly, just to warn you.

Enjoy xx

  1. Weak Obsession
  2. Lara’s Return
  3. 100 Hours
  4. ‘What Vision Can We Have…?’
  5. A Wonderful Life
  6. 21st Century Nostalgia
  7. Absurdia
  8. Anataraxia
  9. Anostalgia
  10. My Latest but not my Last, Will & Testament
  11. I, Alien
  12. Autumnesque
  13. Anti Sestina: Abstractions
  14. Glasses: A True Story, or The Truth at Last?
  15. Random Thoughts on Creatures
  16. Vita Negativa Naturaliter
  17. Untitled Sonnet
  18. Seasonal Delusion
  19. Wandering Thought
  20. Watching Westerns with Ludwig Wittgenstein
  21. Queueing
  22. Calligraphy, or The Self-Reflexive Art of Writing Finely
  23. Marriage: The Lover to his Post-PostModern Coy Mistress
  24. Perhaps to be or not to be a weasel…
  25. Ars Ego
  26. C&I
  27. Now & Then